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Why You’ll Love Chatbooks | Plus Get a Free Photo Book

I wanted to take a moment to tell you about a photo book company that I’ve been using the past year or so that my friend had told me about. I now use them regularly for all my instagram and phone pictures. They’re not a big professional company or anything but for the purposes of printing your everyday photos, they’re seriously legit (and easy on the wallet)! I like to give my clients, and the blog readers a little tidbit every now and then so here’s one I’m loving and totally think you should try!

When it comes to photo products, I’m pretty particular. When a company says they’ll let you try them out with a free book, I’ll absolutely try them! Chatbooks does that! I was looking for some place that I could print my phone and/or instagram pictures through that wouldn’t break the bank but would also be a quality I would be satisfied with (yes, I know, they’re just phone pictures but still!!). I wanted to start my books from the beginning of my insta feed because you can do series with Chatbooks based on your whole account, a specific hashtag you use, or just photos you select individually.

It calculated my feed to be 27 books off the bat to get caught up to current photos, at which I freaked because I wasn’t going to pay for 27 books all at once, but guess what…to my pleasant surprise you can back-print at an interval that is wayyyy more feasible. I decided to do 5 books at a time (per month) until I was caught up. You can choose to do 5, 2, or 1 per month. So now that I’ve caught up, I only receive a book once my instagram feed adds 60 more images, then the order is automatically placed and sent to my house. They’re little morsels of happiness in my mailbox! Who doesn’t love real mail?!

So your question now probably is, how much are the books? ONLY $8 and $2 for shipping! Ummm rad! Like I mentioned above, quality is important to me and these are great for phone pictures. The printing colors are pretty accurate, and the paper quality isn’t so fragile that after a few flips through they’re not beat up or crinkled. My daughter loves looking through these all the time. These books in the photos are just their standard, softcover option, but they have LOTS of pretty cover options, hard cover, soft covers etc. For the purposes of getting all these printed, I just stuck with the basics. OH! And I almost forgot, it prints the date that the photo was posted, and your captions to the Instagram post. This made me really happy because I had tried photo book companies in the past that only printed the picture without the option to have the dates and captions…kind of a bummer. So glad Chatbooks does this. It’s the little things!

So…go ahead and try them out FOR FREE for your first book (just pay the shipping). Enjoy!


@haylo_photo,Chatbooks,albums,chatbooks review,hay.LO photography,hay.lo photo,instagram albums,instagram pictures,northern virginia photographer,print your photos,
@haylo_photo,Chatbooks,albums,chatbooks review,hay.LO photography,hay.lo photo,instagram albums,instagram pictures,northern virginia photographer,print your photos,
Yes…everyone DOES love recess!

Disclosure: This post contains links for affiliate sites in which we make small earnings (at no cost to you) for purchases made on those sites. Don’t worry, I don’t promote anything that I don’t love.

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